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Tough to Treat

Jan 31, 2019

Professional dancers tend to push through tightness, discomfort and pain. Not surprising!   Often times the care they seek does not really address the driver(s) of their symptoms. More often than not, it is treat the painful part and move on.  That is not a recipe for long term relief.   Listen to this girl's story and...

Jan 17, 2019

Does elbow pain really emanate from the elbow? Sometimes it does. But the longer people wait to seek help, the higher the likelihood there is another driver. And therein lies the challenge. Join us as we clinically reason through this patient's elbow/arm pain and the ensuing treatment progression and...

Jan 3, 2019

What happens when someone gets injured while living on their sailboat at sea? This episode explores the clinical reasoning and intervention process from a virtual platform to help this lady through an unexpected injury to her hip and back and navigating the functions needed on a sailboat.

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