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Tough to Treat

Aug 31, 2023

When does motor control come into play when someone has persistent shoulder pain? 

Is it soft tissue related, a joint problem, or a neuromuscular repatterning issue? 

Or something else? 

How does our nervous system adjust? 

In this episode, we talk about the multiple sources of this person’s shoulder pain and how...

Aug 24, 2023

Here is the clinical story of a client that is presenting with pain/sensitivity in the area of the (R) posterior pelvis. 

A common area of symptoms for many patients. But there are many potential drivers and the need to differentially diagnose is crucial.  


Because you won't want to miss the hidden connections...

Aug 17, 2023

In this episode, Erica explores the intersection of functional movement and persistent pain, offering a comprehensive blueprint for understanding and addressing movement dysfunctions that may contribute to ongoing discomfort. 

Join her as she discusses her insights and tips with examples from her patient caseload. 

Aug 10, 2023

One of the most overlooked joints in the lower quarter is the first MTP joint unless that is the primary complaint of the client. 

How does the stiffness of the 1st MTP joint affect gait and lower quarter movement of all kinds?

We spend some great time with discussions of differential diagnosis, and practical...

Aug 3, 2023

Heart rate variability is getting a lot of press recently. 

Join Susan as she presents a webinar on HRV as a predictor and intervention in sleep and stress. 

It doesn't take complicated interventions to make real changes in our health!


A glance at this episode:

  • [1:59] What is heart rate variability

  • [4:07]...